January Minutes
- Minutes from 1/15 meeting:
- Board voted to give library $500 for Pan African Conference
- Encouraged teachers to submit proposals in writing for monetary requests
- Ms. Shea gave teacher feedback of “wish list” from PTA
- Discussed researching picnic table cost to cover empty concrete slab in the back of the school. The slab was donated by homebuilder with the intention BVES would use it—so far we haven’t.
- Discussed Breakfast with Santa and thanked volunteers, and especially Golden Chick for donating so much food and supplies to us!
- Treasurer’s Report Motion to accept report: Kelly 2nd Kay Motion passed
- Box Tops with Kay-she has attended a webinar and is pumped up about box tops! Kay encourages us to use the box tops for education website to purchase items, as you will receive free bonus box tops for the school! She reminded us that the winner gets to be principal for a day and the top earners from each grade get an ice cream social!
- Chocolate sales begin February 1 and run for 3 weeks. Ron and/or Kay will be in the front of the school every morning to accept payments, distribute new boxes and give rewards. By selling a box (25 bars), a child will receive a lanyard and a frog to put on it. Each additional box will result in more frogs for the lanyard! If a child sales more than 2 boxes they will receive time in the “Games 2 U” gaming truck. All information and permission slips will be sent out in the next few weeks.
- Other discussion from teachers about the wish list and things needed at the school were discussed, such as a walking trail, recycling bins, and trees.
- Another fundraiser, a flea market/garage sale, was discussed.
- The concern for the well being of children and the weight of the books they bring home was discussed. Size of cubbies and space issues were brought up to alleviate the problem.
- Motion to adjourn: Kelly 2nd Kay Motion passed.