Breakfast with Santa Update:
If you are planning to volunteer at Breakfast With Santa this year, please plan to attend the 11/28 (5:30pm) meeting specifically for finalizing plans for the event. We will be solidifying our lists for volunteers and things still left to do. Also, please bring a bottle of syrup or a just add water pancake mix to the meeting to donate to the pancake breakfast. If you are unable to attend the meeting but want to volunteer, contact Ron Denning ( with your preferences (time shift, activity, etc.).
Angel Tree:
PTA is coordinating this year's Angel Tree efforts to provide gifts and food to needy families for the holidays. Contact Rebecca immediately if you want to "adopt" a family this year. If you can't sponsor an entire family, we are encouraging folks to bring an unwrapped toy to Breakfast With Santa or to consider donating wrapping paper, tape, or gift tags.
Treats for Teachers:
Finally, we would like to provide baked goods to the teachers on December 14th. We are hoping to have a tray (or trays) set up for the teachers so they may come and go and pick and choose as they wish. More information about this coming soon…
Box Top Update:
Fall Payout will be coming in soon for about $825! Please keep clipping and saving box tops! The contest for most boxtops continues through the year and doesn't end until April/May of 2013. The top 20 box top collectors from each grade will be invited to an ice cream social! You can also click on the "Earn $$ for BVES" tab and then click on Boxtops or go to to find out which brands participate, learn about e boxtops, and more!